- Play How Do They Do It? 生活科技大解密?
- So how do they do it? By producing thicker shells? 那么它们是怎么做到的?通过生产更厚的蛋壳吗?
- Every year many millions of people start learning one. How do they do it? 每年几百万人开始学习一门外语,他们是怎样做的?
- Idea 2: The hunters catch Nessie! Do Mark and Kathleen rescue it? How do they do it? 想法二:猎人抓到尼西了!马克和凯萨琳会去救她吗?他们会怎麽做?
- How much does it cost to purchase a Team Charter? How do they work? 购买一个队伍契约需要多少钱?怎么使用?
- Half-price computers? How do they do that? 半价电脑?怎麽可能呢?
- Rory: How did it go? Did they go through your resume in detail? 罗里:还顺利吗?他们有没有仔细察看你的履历?
- How did they do the ironing without electricity? 没有电,他们怎么熨衣服?
- The tacit cooperation between them is the key factor to success. No matter what to do they do it together. 狼与狼之间的默契配合成为狼成功的决定性因素。不管做任何事情,它们总能依靠团体的力量去完成。
- When the stimulation and excitement is offered to you by secularism, how do they do that? 刺激,世俗主义为你提供刺激,是怎样的?
- How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? 他们这点工资怎么糊口?
- Coach: Come on people, we are talking about pioneers, heading west, and wagon trains, why did they do it? 教练:同学们,早期的移民是驾着马车奔向西部,这样做为了什么?
- But for how long did the couple plan to perpetuate their lie and how did they expect to do it without the babies? 但这对夫妇计划实施这场骗局有多久了?没有这么多婴儿,他们将如何应对?
- As you said, some foreign governments indulged in these" asylum seekers", how did they do so? 你说有些外国政府对这些“寻求避难者”采取了纵容态度,他们是怎样纵容的?
- "Of course, they did it unbelievably, not only did they have a quick turnaround, they won a championship. 当然,他们难以置信的完成了,他们不仅完成了转变,甚至拿到了总冠军。
- I wonder how they lived on farms years ago. How did they do the laundry without washing machines? 不知道前些年人们是怎么在农场生活的。没有洗衣机他们怎么洗衣服?
- If wise men play the fool,they do it with a vengeance. 聪明人做起糊涂事来,那才糊涂透顶。
- How did it come about that he knew where we were? 他是怎么知道我们在什麽地方的呢?
- As you said, some foreign governments indulged in these "asylum seekers", how did they do so? 你说有些外国政府对这些“寻求避难者”采取了纵容态度,他们是怎样纵容的?
- They did it as a matter of routine. 他们那样做只是例行公事。